
Serengeti Experiences

Cycle of Migration


January – March: Calving Season in Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Maswa Game Reserve

During the short dry season, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Maswa Game Reserve become havens for Wildebeest, providing refuge with ample rivers and spring grasses. Here, the Wildebeest rest and give birth, witnessing the synchronized birthing of up to 400,000 calves within a brief two to three weeks. Predators seize the opportunity, with hyenas and lions preying on the vulnerable newborns.

April: Commencement of the Journey Northwards

The Wildebeest commence their migration, collectively heading northward through the heart of Seronera, traversing the central region of the National Park. This timeframe coincides with the yearly mating season, initiating the eight-and-a-half-month gestation period for the upcoming year’s offspring.

May – June: Migration Westward in the Rainy Season

When the rainy season begins, the grassy plains attract the Wildebeest to move westward. They focus on the Western Corridor, which includes the Grumeti Game Reserve and Ikorongo Game Reserve, to get stronger for the upcoming journey.

July – September: Spectacular and Deadly River Crossings

The migration progresses northward, reaching the Kenyan border. One of the most spectacular and perilous phases unfolds during river crossings. In the Serengeti, challenges arise at the Mbalangeti and Grumeti rivers, while in Kenya, the Mara River becomes the iconic crossing point. Crocodile and lion attacks, drownings, and herd-related mishaps result in the loss of both adults and calves, creating a perilous yet captivating environment to witness.

September – October: Grazing and Feeding in Masai Mara

Simultaneously for the next couple of  months, the Wildebeest find sustenance in Masai Mara, taking advantage of green pastures and occasional rainstorms, strengthening themselves for the upcoming journey.

Late October: Return Journey Southward

With the onset of the initial short rains, the signal for the homeward trek resonates through the eastern woodlands. Journeying southward, the Wildebeest navigate the vast expanse of the Serengeti, eventually returning to the embrace of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The herd disperses and meanders across the open plains, completing an extraordinary voyage spanning more than 500 miles. This cyclical migration sets the stage for a renewed chapter as the imminent birth of the next generation of calves heralds the promise of continuity and the perpetuation of this awe-inspiring natural spectacle.


Cycle of Migration

Serengeti Experiences
Starting From

Retina Hippo Pool

Experiences, Serengeti Experiences
Starting From

Wildebeest Migration

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